ALL available trainers are for Single Player/Offline use ONLY! Don't try to use them online else your account can/will be banned/closed!įile Archive - EN/CN Text - Calls Home!.XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen v20181014 +8 TRAINERįile Archive - External Link - Can return a false AV Positive! File = Clean! XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen v1.Click to expand.There are some subtle changes, you should have noticed at least one of them XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen v20171022 +8 TRAINER XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen v1.5 Fixed Files XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen b8917 +1 TRAINER XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen v20180802 +8 TRAINER XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen v20181009 Fixed Files #Xcom 2 save game editor war of the choseon archive# With the expansion it starts with a new character giving info to central that triggers the video that leads into the first tutorial mission (where you rescue the commander). If you did the tutorial (again) your not forced into building a specific facility in a specific spot. If you do the mission to secure the power core (again think this is tutorial), it has a new more atmospheric map. If you disabled the generic tutorial options but kept the WoTC tutorial option enabled at some point you will get to do the new WoTC tutorial mission that introduces lots of new stuff. I "think" this is automaticaly triggered as the next mission after you blow up the monument, but its possible there were other missions in between. The difference between vanilla and expansion is like the difference between the TV edit of LOTR and the extended directors cut.

Its the same film mostly just with lots of extra stuff squashed in.

#Xcom 2 save game editor war of the choseon Pc#.#Xcom 2 save game editor war of the choseon Patch#.#Xcom 2 save game editor war of the choseon archive#.#Xcom 2 save game editor war of the choseon update#.